Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bleeding Love

***This poem was written a month ago. It's a bit more morbid than the last. I'll update this more tomorrow. I promise.***

That sweet sweet voice
As smooth as silk.
And those blue eyes
Bluer and deeper than the ocean
You could get lost in those eyes.
God, how I love this boy.

The swollen eyes
The black and blue bruises
The pushing, the yelling
The shoving, the screaming
They're all misunderstood, they really are
Because he loves me, he really does.
He says so. He promises me a better life.
I hope so. I pray so.

His broken promises. My broken bones.
They tell our story.

I'm bleeding. Bleeding his love.
I'm getting cold.
The bullet. It's lodged in my heart.
He cries. I cry.
He holds me. I cling to him.
We cry.
Say our final goodbyes.

The blood on his hands.
The bullet in my heart.
They tell our story.
And this is how it ends, our story.
With me, bleeding his love.

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