Saturday, June 21, 2008

100 Things, New and Improved

At the request of some friends I've decided to finally get of my lazy butt and update this thing. You know, since its been a good 7 or 8 months. I blame the fact that I'm a college kid, yeah, thats it. And also, I actually have a life now.

But anyway, I was looking through old blog posts, specifically the 100 things post and decided to do a new one because I've changed quite a bit. So, here goes nothing.

  1. My name is Ashley
  2. But I'm rarely called that because everybody seems to have a different nickname for me
  3. My family and friends mean the world to me
  4. I think I've found my prince charming
  5. I wear my heart on my sleeve
  6. I'm a girl of many addictions and obsessions
  7. Scrabble, Tea, Myspace, Pepsi, Photography
  8. Writing is so many things to me
  9. A passion, stress reliever, an escape, a way for people to better understand me
  10. The Sentinel, under the instruction of Nils Rosdahl is the most kickass student paper. It's been proven.
  11. It's going to be a great day.
  12. I have no idea where I want to transfer to
  13. I want to live in NYC
  14. I'm a budding photographer, but I would lovvvveee photoshop
  15. I could do without watching movies or television again...ever
  16. Music and books are a thousand times better
  17. I love the sunshine, it makes me happy
  18. I think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder
  19. Java on Sherman still makes the best coffee
  20. My cats are spoiled...very spoiled
  21. I listen to music 24/7, especially when alone
  22. I hate being alone
  23. I think too much, seriously
  24. I'm emotional and probably overly sensitive sometimes
  25. But I'm also hardheaded and determined
  26. I love books, they do many of the same things writing does for me
  27. I find people, and their stories, intriguing.
  28. I've grown up a lot this year, but still have a long way to go
  29. I makes mistakes, and I try to learn from them
  30. I miss being able to play The Sims 2
  31. I love my pajamas...and playing dress up
  32. I don't understand how people can be so ignorant and judgemental
  33. I flew on a plane for the very first time in March and absolutely loved it
  34. I will travel the world, and then come home and write my memoirs
  35. I've experienced more pain than most, but its made me stronger
  36. I will make history
  37. I believe in Karma, and I'm not sure what else
  38. Change scares me
  39. People love to hate
  40. All we need is love
  41. Love. Peace. Happyness.
  42. I love children, and their innocence
  43. I haven't experienced half of the stuff most teens have, and I'm okay with that
  44. Hollywood is overrated
  45. I'm itching for my independence
  46. I really can't stand the silence
  47. My hair needs dyed again
  48. I dye my hair too much
  49. I have anxiety, and probably depression issues
  50. I am learning to deal with it and beginning the slow process of healing
  51. I love texting
  52. I'm shy until you get to know me, and then I don't shut up
  53. I'm trying to be more outgoing from the get go
  54. I trust to easily, it more often than not gets me hurt
  55. Seeing other people happy makes me happy
  56. Money will destroy us, maybe before guns
  57. Obama 08'
  58. I'm excited for the future, but I try to live in the moment
  59. Dane Cook is a silly bitch
  60. Three wardrobe essentials for every woman: shoes, purses, jackets
  61. I'm most definitely a morning person
  62. I love naps
  63. My friends have opened my eyes and my heart
  64. I'm a first geneation college student
  65. College is wayyy better than high school could ever be
  66. I love Autumn, and everything that comes with it
  67. The snow and I have issues with each other
  68. I am becoming my own person
  69. We lose so much history every day and it makes me sad
  70. My life is organized chaos
  71. One person can make a difference
  72. But more people can make a bigger difference
  73. I wish I was artistic, my bother got the creativity genes
  74. I wish that I could understand him
  75. I can't stay mad long, even if I want to
  76. I make friends easily
  77. I really, really can't do math
  78. Everything happens for a reason
  79. Everyday is a new beginning
  80. I procrastinate with the best of them
  81. I'm the new Arts and Entertainment editor for The Sentinel
  82. Myspace is way better than Facebook
  83. I love names
  84. I hate drama, but miss theatre
  85. I'm a dreamer, and hopeless romantic
  86. I believe in the paranormal
  87. It goes deeper than ghosts and spirits
  88. I'm a pessismistic optimist
  89. The problem with life is that there is no background music
  90. I love the heat
  91. I'm not allergic to anything, but I wish I was allergic to needles
  92. I want a big family
  93. And to grow old with the love of my life
  94. I wish people would understand better
  95. The Beatles are way better than The Stones culd ever be
  96. I do way better expressing my feelings on paper than in person
  97. I know some incredible people
  98. Music affects my mood wayyy more than it probably should
  99. I need a new computer
  100. Coffee sounds amazing right about now

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