Friday, December 4, 2009

Two Weeks

Two weeks.

Two weeks until I'll be able to sleep a full 8 hours, much less 4, each night without feeling guilty or anxious about getting everything that needs done finished.

Two weeks until I'll be able to sit and finish a good book and warm drink without having to constantly check the time to make sure that I get where I need to be on time.

Two weeks until I have no more deadlines and no more interviews for three whole weeks.

Two more weeks until I no longer have to fight the snow, ice, wind and bitter cold everyday.

Two more weeks until I'm without the two people I trust most in this world for three weeks.

Two more weeks until I realize that while I desperately need a break I'm going to be mighty lonely for the next three weeks without my amazing friends.

What do your next two weeks look like?

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