Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When Everything's Made To Be Broken

"When Everything's Made To Be Broken/I Just Want You To Know Who I Am"

How can one phrase hold so much meaning? So much emotion?

He's happy. He wants to marry her and grow old with her. She is all he's ever wanted and his dream has finally come true. He went to see her tonight and I know he had a great time. I just hope she isn't taking him for granted. My Beautiful Boy.

Where does this leave me? Back in the friend stage. He wants to be friends and so do I, but it kills me. I pretend everything is okay, for him. I want him to be happy.

It's just that...I still love him. I know I shouldn't but I do.

He doesn't love me anymore. Why can't I accept this?

So what happens now? What happens when everything's made to be broken?

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