Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Because Sometimes I Have Trouble Remembering...

Life is an opportunity, …. benefit from it.
Life is beauty, …. admire it.
Life is bliss, …. taste it.
Life is a dream, …. realize it.
Life is a challenge, …. meet it.
Life is a duty, …. complete it.
Life is a game, …. play it.
Life is a promise, ….fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, …. overcome it.
Life is a song, …. sing it.
Life is a struggle, …. accept it.
Life is a tragedy…. confront it.
Life is an adventure, …. dare it.
Life is luck, …. make it.
Life is too precious, …. do not destroy it.
Life is life, …. fight for it.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Because I have nothing to say but lots of thoughts.
Because I am a veryyy tired girl.
Because I can't decide if I need to laugh or cry.
Because I miss my friends, and the boy.
Because I'm in a funk, a cloud if you will, that I can't seem to break away from.
Because I need to run away for a little while.
Because I know thats not going to happen.
Because I love you.

***I'll be back in a day or two***

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thoughts On Independence

Today is the day where we as Americans are supposed to celebrate our hard fought freedom and independence. That's what we do, after all. Fight. That's what we are. A nation of fighters. We don't give up on what we believe is right or what we believe belongs to us. It's always been that way though.

In the very beginning we fought to be independent of Great Britain. To become our own country. Later we fought against the Spanish conquistadors for land that we each claimed as our own. And then there were the World Wars where our safety and our position as a great world power were at stake like never before. Vietnam was the first controversial war that the United States fought in. War was being waged on two different fronts; in the lush green jungles of Cambodia and on the riot filled streets of the places we all call home. That brings us current.
Today we are still fighting. Fighting for what is right. Fighting because that's what we do. Fighting, because it needs to be done.

It seems that many people would rather not fight anymore. They instead bash the Bush and all he's done. If only they knew that Clinton could have had Bin Laden captured but chose not too. If only they cared.

How are we supposed to protect ourselves if we don't fight? We wouldn't be able to, much less know how. The troops, heroes they are, know this and have given up their freedoms so that don't have too. We should thank them, but instead we burn our flag. We should pray for them, but instead we curse them. Thousands of young men and women are still dying today so that we can remain the selfish fools we are.

Sometime today, in between barbeques and fireworks we should all take a moment to reflect on why we're celebrating. Because without those selfless young men and women who gave their lives and still continue to do so, we would have no reason to celebrate.

Happy Independence Day!